The official logo of Surfy Industries
March 2017
(last update: January 2023)
We keep the information in this page updated to comply the GDPR directives for a clearer and more comprehensible content.
The information displayed here is in English language ONLY. Feel free to use an online translator or
contact us anytime for help with understanding these matters.
Welcome to www.surfyindustries.com, web site and online store for the companies Surfy Industries AB, Surfy Industries Srls and Surfy Industries USA LLC, respectively legally based at the following addresses:
Surfy Industries Srl
Borgo dei Cappuccini, 317
57126 Livorno - Italy
VAT no. IT01935790491
Surfy Industries USA LLC
5191 Heatherway Dr.
38117 Memphis, TN - USA
Please visit our
contact us section for email addresses and telephone numbers.
Any person accessing this site agrees to the following rules.
We refer from now on to "Surfy Industries" as a generic entity representing all companies listed above. Although the web site is unique for all companies, they do business in different regions, but the
software and procedures used are the same. Only at order time each company will take care of the customer depending on his location.
Please keep in mind that ordering products means subscribing a contract between seller and buyer.
If you don't agree with the policy described in this page we strongly invite you to contact us BEFORE placing an order.
- (1)
Any content, whether it is textual or graphical, used on this web site (www.surfyindustries.com) is exclusive property of Surfy Industries except where specified differently.
It is granted the possibility to view, copy and print any content for non-commercial purposes only, although we allow to refer or link to our resources for commercial product comparisons and reviews.
- (2)
Any references to other brands, companies and/or their products are freely used on this web site (www.surfyindustries.com) for the purpose of simple comparison with our products or taken as examples.
Surfy Industries is not related, supported or sponsored by any other brand or company except if clearly specified differently. Surfy Industries never uses logos of other brands of companies if not specifically authorised.
Any web links to brands, companies and/or products web sites are freely taken from public resources on the World Wide Web and Surfy Industries is not responsible in any way of the contents of those web sites.
- (3)
The brands SURFYTREM, SURFYBEAR, SURFYVIBE, SURFYDRIP, BLOSSOM POINT and STEREOMAKER have to be considered intellectual property of Surfy Industries.
- (4)
Surfy Industries has no control and does not take any responsibility for any public contents, audio and video material shared through the World Wide Web regarding products, musical instruments and effects
built using the SURFYBEAR and/or SURFYTREM "Do It Yourself" kits.
- (5)
The content of this web site (www.surfyindustries.com) is provided "as is" and we do not take any responsibility for changes occurred without previous notice.
- (6)
Feedbacks of any kind regarding the service offered with this web site (www.surfyindustries.com) are always accepted and can be submitted to Surfy Industries using the contact us section.
- (1)
On this web site (www.surfyindustries.com) it is possible to order products from Surfy Industries. The company uses third party software to manage the order process and the
payment procedure. This software is not stored on the Surfy Industries hosting servers and it is executed remotely through the World Wide Web.
Surfy Industries is therefore not responsible for any malfunctioning of this software and for any consequences or inconveniences that customers may encounter when using it.
- (2)
All products ordered remain property of Surfy Industries until paid in full.
- (3)
Surfy Industries collects all orders through the online system at this web site (www.surfyindustries.com) and transmits the commercial invoice to the customers on a separate and following step
via electronic mail, requesting the payment at this time. The invoice amount includes all shipping costs involved in the sale, if any. The invoicing software used (Waveapps - www.waveapps.com) is not the same used to
collect the orders (Ecwid - www.ecwid.com). After an order is finally placed, the only legal document Surfy Industries is referring to is the commercial invoice as soon as it is created.
Order/purchase process in details:
- The user selects the products, puts them in the "shopping cart", proceeds with providing the requested customer information and submits the order. This entire process is handled by our web own web site and
the Ecwid software.
- The order details arrive to the customer and to Surfy Industries via email.
- Surfy Industries creates the commercial invoice based on the information submitted by the customer at checkout time and sends it to the customer via email.
- Surfy Industries requests at this time the payment of the order using the method selected by the customer.
- Surfy Industries handles the order by packing and delivering the purchased products.
- (4)
Under the current European law regarding online sales of goods, the customer has the right to cancel and return the purchased products within 14 days, for any reason and with no justification.
When the product is returned, it is inspected by Surfy Industries to verify that it comes complete in all its parts and packaging. Also a copy of the purchase invoice is requested in order to
verify the identity of the customer and any issues that may have previously occurred with the actual sale transaction. Once these procedure is completed, the refund is issued by Surfy Industries, via the
same payment method used for the initial purchase, for the total amount of the sale including the shipping costs. Surfy Industries is not anyway responsible for the shipping charges of the return.
- (5)
Surfy Industries has the right to change the online store policy described in this page without previous notice. Please contact us for any inquries.
- (1)
Surfy Industries is responsible for the good status of the product from the moment it is purchased until it is delivered to the customer.
If any damages occurred to the goods during the shipping process, please contact Surfy Industries to discuss the full refund and/or replacement.
- (2)
Surfy Industries uses the services of well trusted shipping agents and does not take in consideration other methods than the ones proposed. Accepting a shipping method suggested or imposed by the customer
means that Surfy Industries does not take any responsibility during the entire shipping process and this voids the conditions described at section (1).
- (3)
Surfy Industries is not responsible for any customs fees and local taxes applied when shipping products to any destination. Also Surfy Industries declines any responsibility for long delivery times, customs delays and any courier
extra service fees that may occur due to paperwork, brokerage fees or other reasons.
For your conveniency you can visit
gdpr.eu to read more about the current European laws regarding data protection for any company
who deals with European citizens and customers. The purpose of the General Data Protection Regulation is to make sure that the companies dealing with data collection are transparent to their customers,
clearly explaining their working processes and procedures.
We try to be the most understandable possible when explaining our rules.
If anything is not clear and you need further clarification you can
contact us anytime.
Responsible for the privacy policy at Surfy Industries: Mr. Lorenzo Valdambrini (
Please feel free to write for any question or comment.
In this web site (www.surfyindustries.com) Surfy Industries does not use cookies nor collects any personal or tracking information without authorisation. Therefore there are not any
automated systems or hidden mechanisms for data collection. In order to temporarily remember the customer location (selected at the first access to the web site) we use session variables which expire
when the browser application is closed. If a customer notices that references of having visited our web site are stored in his own computer or device, he is welcome to contact us
for immediate verification.
Although we do not collect tracking information directly, Surfy Industries declines any responsibility if the hosting provider of this web site (www.surfyindustries.com) is instead recording
IP addresses, countries of origin or any other personal data of the web site's viewers. Surfy Industries is anyway allowed to use the statistics software supplied by the hosting provider
in order to monitor the web site's activity for internal marketing or commercial purposes.
Surfy Industries can collect personal information on this web site (www.surfyindustries.com) through web forms for the sole purpose of internal use, product warranty management and
resolution of technical issues in accordance with the online visitor/customer who agrees to submit the data through third-party security software systems (for example reCaptcha).
The information collected through these web forms are:
First name
Last name
Email address
The collected information is stored in private cloud systems (Google) or electronic mail systems (hosting provider) and manually used when necessary (no automated processes or procedures).
Surfy Industries collects personal information on this web site (www.surfyindustries.com) through third party integrated software to process orders and payments. At order checkout time it is requested to
specify name, billing and shipping addresses, company name, VAT number, email address and phone. This information is stored in the third party software cloud to which Surfy Industries has full access at
A customer who submitted his information through the web forms, can request anytime the deletion of his data from our archive by contacting us via email. This includes the information stored in cloud systems (Google),
for example for warranty handling purposes, and information stored in third party cloud systems for orders management. The information stored in our proprietary or third party accounting software
cannot generally be deleted if a commercial invoice has been issued for the customer.
To be removed from our systems please contact us.
Surfy Industries does NOT release any collected data to third-party entities at anytime and for any reason. All the collected information is for Surfy Industries' use only.
Surfy Industries is NOT managing periodic mailing lists to send promotional information and/or news, but the company has the right to use the data of its customers, collected through
the WEB forms, for sporadic email communication, commercial offers and proposals.
The product registration is done exclusively through this web site (www.surfyindustries.com) and all customers who purchased a product of Surfy Industries are invited to send their basic
information together with the product serial number using an online form as described at (3).
Surfy Industries has the right to change the privacy policy described in this page without previous notice. Technical adjustments to this web site (www.surfyindustries.com) will be done
consequently if requested by the law.
Software used by Surfy Industries (proprietary or third party):